Hey, guys, would you like to marry Miss / Mr. World, who is silly, aggressive, arrogant, boring, careless, dishonest, foolish, interfering, jealous, rude or overemotional?
Would you like to marry a simple soul who is not much pretty and beautiful but brave, calm, caring, creative, dynamic, faithful, honest and sensible?
All wise people will choose the second option because they know beauty is something that does not last forever.
“I can’t think of many things more attractive than a beautiful person whose beauty isn’t what actually attracts you.”
(Dau Voire)
Some countries the divorce rate between 40-50% and 96% of these divorces took place due to personality clashes. Psychologists who conducted the work came to the comforting conclusion that how a partner acts, not looks, is more important to both men and women who want to enjoy a good life and relationship.
Our personality reflects our relationships with our family. A person with an agreeable identity ordinarily has solid individual associations with his family and companions, while a man whose personality is threatening is typically maintained a strategic distance from by others. Moreover, personality is something that can be changed and improved with the passage of time. An individual can change his/her personality by experiencing identity improvement in order to obtain practices that make him effective in many parts of his life.
Why go for a person with strong personality, over someone with good looks?
- Individuals with a solid personality take a gander at the brighter sides of life – they face even the most exceedingly awful circumstances with a grin.
- When you’re attempting to charm somebody, an extraordinary personality is a key feature that comes under people’s notice.
- Beauty may help you get into a discussion with a gentleman or a young lady you like, however, if you have an exhausting personality the discussion is likely to go on.
- Great looks don’t last. In the long run you develop old and gray; nothing can stop that.
- What makes personality important is the way that it will stay with you, notwithstanding whether you’re an old man or an old lady. It will even stay with you after you pass on.
- Nobody recalls somebody who passed away by contemplating how attractive they were.
But it does not mean that a beautiful person cannot be a good life-partner. A person with two-in-one qualities, though rare to find, is the best to get. Anytime when you have a choice between the two, think wisely and go for inner beauty and strong personality, because that is what will make your whole life enjoyable.