It is everyones dream to get married. We want that day to be perfect and we will do everything to ensure that it is. The truth is, we usually only dream about our wedding day, but the reality is that it is just the day you get married, what really matters is what happens afterwards that scares people to death, marriage itself. This does not have to be the case, because your marriage can be just as beautiful as your wedding day!
There are many perks of being married, especially when you come from a family where parents are divorced. While this tends to be the number one reason why many couples prefer to stay single or simply live together with their partners without committing themselves 100%,this should be the obvious reason to get married and here is the reason why.
Society tends to give us the wrong impression about what marriage is really all about. A good marriage is also the foundation for a strong family and nothing in the world is more important than family. Couples who come from homes where parents are divorce are usually the ones who have suffered in silence or seem to lack affection. Being married, husbands and wives will no longer have to fear being rejected or lack affection as they will get it from their spouse.
Besides having someone that you can show affection to or receive unconditional love from, there are several other benefits of being married. You will always have someone that will support you, someone who you can be yourself around and who will never judge you. You will have someone who you can grow old with, so you will never have to worry about being lonely again.
Being married means you will always have a partner for life. Your spouse will always be the one that will be there, willing to lend a helping hand, a sympathetic ear when you failed and a shoulder to lean on when you just need to cry.
You will always have someone that will share your experiences and your highs and lows. But the most important part of being married is the fact that you will have someone with whom you can share your life and experience new things together.
Thus, let your heart not be troubled, as marriage is a beautiful thing- especially when you are working at it as a team! Therefore, you too can have a lifelong marriage and enjoy all the benefits of being married.